Southern Currents 12-020.pdf

SUBJECT: Notification of Arrival- Re-Issuance of Southern Currents 09022

PURPOSE: The purpose of this notice is to update and streamline the notification procedures within the New Orleans Tri-Port as authorized under 19 CFR §4.2(a). This notice will cover the notification requirements by CBP for both immigration and customs purposes.

Neither the submission of a CBP Form 3171 (Lade Order), nor the electronic filing of passenger, crewmen and cargo manifest data, satisfy 19 CFR §4.2 Reports of Arrival of Vessels.


    1. Telephonic notification will be made to the intended first port of arrival at a minimum of 24 hours prior to arrival. The first port of arrival for Tri-Port purposes is defined as the first location at which the vessel comes to anchor, dock, or rest.
    2. Prior to the arrival of any vessel, coastwise or foreign, into another port (Gramercy or Baton Rouge) within the New Orleans Tri-Port, telephonic notification will be made to that port as deemed by the port limits.
      1. Port Limits are defined as follows:
        1. New Orleans – MM127 (Including Dow Chemical), South
        2. Gramercy – MM128 (Occidental) to MM164 (Zennoh)
        3. Baton Rouge – MM165 (Burnside Anchorage), North
      2. Furthermore, telephonic notification of any vessel movement or arrival within the Tri-Port will be made to the appropriate port of arrival. (I.e. Vessel movements with no lade order requirement.)
      3. Requests for crew changes, to include both off and on signing crewmen, will be made at the port of arrival and approval given before any such change is made.
    3. All notifications should be made during operating hours at the appropriate port of arrival.
      1. New Orleans – (504)623-6600 or 6601  S-S  06:00 – 22:00
      2. Gramercy –  (225) 869-3765 Ext.101  M-F  08:00-16:00
      3. Baton Rouge –  (225) 389-0261 Ext. 114  M-F  08:00-17:00

Failure to comply with these procedures may result in penalty action in accordance with 19 USC §1436.