The start of revetment operations at the first White Castle location (Mile 193.6 Above Head of Passes [AHP]) could be delayed beyond the revised scheduled date of Thursday, October 6, 2022 (tomorrow) based on an updated schedule and conversation with the USACE.
The USACE indicates that the work at the Allendale (Mile 239.3 AHP) shallow-draft location will most likely not be completed today, although it remains remotely possible. The indications are that to complete the mat laying operations as Allendale the USACE will extend the work into tomorrow and delay the start of the White Castle (Mile 193.6 AHP) revetment operations and the anticipated daytime closures until either Friday, October 7 or Monday, October 10 (2022). Please accept this notice as a heads up that the daytime closures that are required during the revetment operations at all three White Castle locations are now likely to be delayed based on the Mat Sinking Unit, this is a no-work weekend and the possibility exists that the closures may not start until Monday (October 10), an update will be provided once the USACE can better forecast the completion of work at the Allendale location.
The information below has been previously circulated along with this Marine Safety Information Bulletin from the U.S. Coast Guard.
The USACE is coordinating additional adjustments to the revetment calendar, the complete revetment location schedule is being revised and coordinated around the Enterprise Pipeline Removal Operations (Mile 189.5 AHP). The first scheduled night-time closure (1900 hours to 0700 hours) for the Enterprise Pipeline removal remains scheduled to start on the evening of October 17, 2022. The full scheduled night-time channel closures related to the removal of the pipelines are expected to be conducted from October 17 to October 22 (2022) with additional closures, work dates and details forthcoming on both projects.
Please note that the transit restrictions at the White Castle locations will not allow deep-draft or ship transits through the revetment locations during working hours (0600 hours to 1900 hours) on the dates of work to be determined. The developed transit restrictions are:
“No deep-draft or ship transits during working hours. MSU to fold in at night.”
AWAITING STARTING DATE VERIFICAITON: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 and FRIDAY OCTOBER 7, 2022: Complete Channel Closure for deep-draft traffic at Mile 193.6 HP from 0600 hours to 1900 hours (“as scheduled” – adjustments possible). No transit restrictions for all vessels from 1900 hours to 0600 hours, unless the deep-draft vessel (ship) has a maximum draft (freshwater) of 41 feet or greater.
Vessels with a draft of 41 feet or greater will need to coordinate with the New Orleans-Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots Association (NOBRA) who will require two pilots on vessels with drafts 41 feet (freshwater) or greater to transit the area above Mile 165 AHP (Burnside) to accommodate nighttime transits around the daytime closures related to the revetment operations at White Castle. The information from NOBRA is detailed below:
“All vessels traversing northbound and southbound between Burnside (MM 165) and Baton Rouge shall maintain two pilots on board. NOBRA pilots shall work in two pilot teams actively working together with one pilot serving as the conning pilot and other serving as the resource pilot. (See Note 1)
Note 1 – Any ship 41 feet or greater choosing to traverse the restricted zone at nighttime between MM 180 AHP through MM 234 AHP shall utilize two pilots. The first pilot will accept the original orders and apply the change rules applicable to their order. The second pilot ordered will be assigned to northbound vessels at a Burnside change. The same will be applicable for any second pilot making a southbound change at Burnside. The second pilot on a southbound change shall depart the vessel at Burnside.”
The U.S. Coast Guard’s (USCG) Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) detailing the transit restrictions (dates) for the revetment locations is attached, please note the USACE and USCG MSIB schedules will soon be updated. The NOBRA Pilots are also expected to finalize the nighttime transit requirements for vessels with draft greater than 41 feet around the daytime channel closures during White Castle Revetment operations.