The NOBRA Pilots Board of Examiners (BOE) has published the document: “Standards of Care – Pilot Ladder/Gangway – Pilot Vessel Access/Departure Accommodations
Pilot ladder arrangements shall meet SOLAS Regulation V/23, and IMO Resolution A.1045(27).
Any vessel unable to meet these requirements will be required to provided notice to dispatch at the time a pilot is ordered so an appropriate risk assessment can be make by the BOE and/or dispatched pilot to allow the BOE and/or pilot the opportunity to determine the safest alternative route to board the vessel.
A vessel’s failure to provide notice and/or the appropriate pilot ingress/egress may result in the pilot not being able to board the vessel until it becomes compliant.
The Standard of Care with the SOLAS and IMO guidance is included as a link at the top of this post.