The USCG held a Port Coordination Team conference today. Here is a summary of that meeting.(Note: If you have trouble opening the links, try right-clicking on the link, then choose “Open Link”)Current River Stages
- The LMR stage at BR today (1400) was at 43.57 feet, up 0.04 over the last 24 hours.
- The LMR stage at New Orleans today (1100 Hours) was at 16.61 feet, down -0.01’ over the last 24 hours
NOAA/NWS Crest Predictions
- The LMR at Baton Rouge is cresting now through the 30th, then begin a slow fall.
- The LMR at New Orleans is cresting now through April 01 then will begin a slow fall.
- NOTE: Due to rainfall, the above crests may be extended.
- Old River Lock is closed. Estimated will be closed through April 1st.
- Bonne Carre Spillway is open. Plans are to close 20 Bays today.
- 132 Bays remain open (of the total 350).
- Flow rate is expected to be 116,000 CFS once the 20 bays are closed today.
- Forecasts shows spillway open through early April.
- Dredge Update
- 3 Hopper Dredges working Cubit’s Gap and Head of Passes areas.
- 2 Cutterhead working SWP.
- 2 additional hopper dredges are expected to arrive in SWP this weekend.
- BAR –
- Maximum Recommended Draft is 42’. (Click here)
- Seeing dredges starting to make a difference.
- Watching surveys.
- SWP High Tide Entry Window Restriction has been rescinded.
- “Pilots are bringing in everything that can go to Pilottown Anchorage or can go straight to Crescent Pilots.”
- Maximum Recommended Draft is 42’. (Click here)
- General Anchorage is not being used.
- Until the river drops below 15’.
- High Water Operating Restrictions Are in Effective (Click here)
- Reminder – At a 16’ Carrollton Gauge, and
- Downbound vessels with a draft of 30’ or greater, and
- A pilot is ordered after 1600 Hours, and
- Fog is predicted; then
- Minimum One Assist Tug is Required.
- 12-Mile Anchorage Restrictions – (Click here)
- See 16’ High Water Restrictions. (Click here)
- Reports that not as many pilots on board vessels at berths, but still have approximately 32 pilots on vessels.
- Still experiencing problems holding vessels in anchorage.
- Vessels are to proceed north only when time required in anchorage is strictly minimized.
- Federal Pilots –
- Maximum recommended draft is 42’ (Click here)
- SWP High Tide Entry Window Restriction has been rescinded.
- The LMR remains closed between MM 147 to MM 150 due to a sunken hopper barge at MM 148.5.
- Barge has been located. Shows 100 feet of water over the barge. River expected to be re-opened shortly.
- MSIBs have been released regarding High Water Safety. Additional provisions to be released.
- Other
- Salvors working sunken towboat in Baton Rouge Anchorage. (MM 225.) (Anchorage open with restrictions)
- Salvors working sunken barges (2) in Belmont Anchorage. (Anchorage OPEN to only 1 spot.)
- Salvors suspended work on sunken towboat at MM 132.6.
- Two allision incidents occurred near MM 144 are being investigated.
- See current MSIB’s below in High River Restrictions.
- Port Assessment Teams are out making inspections.
- Bonne Carre Anchorage is closed.
- Overflights are being conducted.
Current USCG High River Restrictions (See here—> Link)Sincerely,
“Capt Ron”
Ronald W. Branch, CAPT. USCG (Ret.)
Louisiana Maritime Association (LAMA)
Desk: (504) 899-5535
Cell: (330) 760-0786