The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) continues Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 24) channel maintenance dredging with two industry hopper dredges GLENN EDWARDS (Manson Construction) and PADRE ISLAND (Great Lakes Dredge & Dock) working on the two early award hopper dredge contracts (Awarded in Fiscal Year 2023 for Work in FY 24).  The USACE is considering options to deploy the hopper dredges on the Crossings when the river stages fall but continues to focus on Southwest Pass as river stages are expected to crest next week
(12.5 feet on May 22). The hopper dredge assignments may soon be changed based on updated channel surveys. The USACE hopper dredge WHEELER will commence dredging in the New Orleans Harbor by tomorrow morning.




PADRE ISLAND: The PADRE ISLAND (Great Lakes Dredge & Dock) is presently undergoing repairs and work under Southwest Pass & Calcasieu Hopper Dredge Contract #11-2023 has been suspended. The hopper dredge began work on this contract on May 5, 2024, and may return at a later point to complete work under this contract after repairs are completed.


GLENN EDWARDS: The GLENN EDWARDS (Manson Construction) continues dredging on assignment from Mile 2.2 Above Head of Passes (AHP) to Mile 1.0 AHP. The USACE awarded the first of the two annual early award 2023/2024 hopper dredge contracts, Southwest Pass Hopper Dredge Contract #2-2023 to Manson Construction for the large hopper dredge (GLENN EDWARDS.). The industry hopper dredge began work in SWP under this contract on March 4, 2024.



WHEELER: The USACE hopper dredge WHEELER continues dredging in the New Orleans Harbor under Readiness Exercise #4-2024 and is presently working near the Napoleon Avenue Wharf. The WHEELER is scheduled to work this Readiness Exercise from May 14 to May 27 (2024).). The WHEELER is expected to complete a total of five Readiness Exercises in Fiscal Year 2024.


(UNCHANGED SINCE July 7, 2023)   


The updated maximum draft recommendation for each Pilot Association as adjusted by the Mississippi River Ship Channel Deepening is detailed below:

Associated Branch Pilots of the Port of New Orleans (Bar Pilots): The Bar Pilots returned their maximum draft recommendation to 50 feet (freshwater) on July 6, 2023. The Bar Pilots originally increased their maximum draft recommendation to 50 feet (freshwater) on March 16, 2022, prior to the temporary reduction to 49 feet from May 22 to July 6 (2023).

Crescent River Port Pilots Association (CRPPA): The CPPRA raised their maximum draft recommendation to 50 feet (freshwater) in coordination with the Bar Pilots on July 7, 2023, after also temporarily reducing their maximum draft to 49 feet (freshwater).

New Orleans Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots Association (NOBRA): The NOBRA returned their maximum draft recommendation to 50 feet (freshwater) from Mile 175 AHP to Mile 88 AHP on July 7, 2023. The maximum draft recommendation from Mile 175 to 180 remains 47 feet and from Mile 180 to Mile 233.8 it remains 45 feet.

Associated Federal Pilots and Docking Masters of Louisiana (Federal Pilots): The Federal Pilots increased their maximum draft recommendations to the following to match the draft adjustment to 50 feet by the other Pilot Associations.


  1. 50 feet from Sea Buoy to Mile 175 AHP
  2. 45 feet Mile 175 AHP to 232.4 AHP 
  3. 40 feet Mile 232.4 AHP to 233.8 AHP

The controlling maximum freshwater draft for the MRSC from Mile 175 AHP (Smoke Bend) to the Southwest Pass Sea Buoy is 50 feet (freshwater) remains unadjusted since July 7, 2023.  

Mississippi River Stages and Forecast Updates:

The Carrollton Gage (New Orleans) reading at 1300 hours today was 12.72 feet with a 24-hour change of + 0.09 feet. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service Extended Streamflow Prediction (28-Day) for the Carrollton Gage issued today forecasts stages will continue an extended slow fall to 8.9 feet on June 19 (2024).

The Baton Rouge Gage reading at 1300 hours was 33.84 feet with a 24-hour change of + 0.04 feet. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service Extended Streamflow Prediction (28-Day) for the Baton Rouge Gauge issued today forecasts stages will continue a slow extended fall to 23.5 feet on June 19 (2024).