The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) continues working to restore the deficient reaches of the Mississippi River Ship Channel with two industry hopper dredges, a government hopper dredge and one  industry cutterhead dredge.  The industry hopper dredges GLENN EDWARDS and NEWPORT, the government hopper dredge WHEELER and the cutterhead dredge CAPTAIN FRANK are all working in the area of Southwest Pass.

The MVN is working to finalize the awardable bid received from the Dutra Group in response to the bid opening for Southwest Pass Hopper Dredge Rental Contract No. #5-2020 held on April 29, 2020.  Dutra’s hopper dredge STUYVESANT is expected to be under contract over the next few days to arrive in Southwest Pass by May 20, 2020. The MVN continues to review the four bids received on April 21, 2020 to the advertisement of Southwest Pass Hopper Dredge Rental Contract No. #3-2020.  This advertisement was for a large hopper dredge to arrive in January 2021.  The bids received remain under review, based on the reporting time this process may take longer than usual to resolve.




The Bar Pilots, Crescent Pilots and Federal Pilots all increased their maximum draft recommendation to 43 feet (freshwater) last week.  The Bar and Crescent Pilots increased their maximum draft recommendations on April 29th and the Federal Pilots did so early on April 30th.  The controlling draft recommendation for SWP is 43 feet but had been reduced to 42 feet since February 1, 2020.  




GLENN EDWARDS: The GLENN EDWARDS (Manson Construction) is dredging on assignment from Mile 3.5 Above Head of Passes (AHP) to Mile 1.0 AHP. The GLENN EDWARDS began dredging in Southwest Pass on March 20, 2020 under Southwest Pass Hopper Dredge Rental Contract #13-2019.


NEWPORT: The hopper dredge NEWPORT (Manson Construction) is dredging on assignment in the area of the Head of Passes (Mile 1.0 AHP to Mile 2.0 Below Head of Passes [BHP]). The NEWPORT is dredging under the Gulf Coast Regional Hopper Dredge Contract 2020.  The NEWPORT began dredging under the first Gulf Coast Regional Hopper Dredge Contract 2020 on February 1, 2020.




WHEELER:  The USACE’s hopper dredge WHEELER is expected to resume dredging on assignment at the Jetty End of SWP (Mile 18.2 BHP to Mile 19.5 BHP) by early tomorrow morning (Wednesday, May 6, 2020). The WHEELER’s usage is approved under Red Flag Emergency Callout #1-2020 for 60 days of utilization in response to not receiving any bids to Southwest Pass Hopper Dredge Rental Contract #2-2020 (February 6, 2020).  The WHEELER began dredging in Southwest Pass on March 28, 2020.




CAPTAIN FRANK: Weeks Marine’s cutterhead dredge CAPTAIN FRANK is dredging at Mile 6.03 BHP and working on assignment from Mile 4.9 BHP to Mile 6.3 BHP on the western side of the channel.  The cutterhead commenced dredging in Southwest Pass on January 24, 2020 under Southwest Pass Cutterhead Dredge Rental Contract #3-2019.




CAPTAIN FRANK:  The cutterhead dredge CAPTAIN FRANK (Weeks Marine) will resume dredging in the HDDA upon completion of their assignment in Southwest Pass.  The project is to beneficially place material removed from the HDDA in the Pass A’ Loutre Wildlife Management Area (PALWMA).  The cutterhead dredges have previously removed and beneficially utilized approximately 13.10 million cubic yards (mcy) of material from the HDDA and restored roughly 1,048 acres. Supplemental funding allowed the MVN to increase the amount of material to be removed from the HDDA to a total of 15.075 mcy.  When this project is completed later this year, approximately 1,200 acres will have been restoredin the PALWMA.


The Carrollton Gauge (New Orleans) reading at 1400 hours today was 15.91 feet, with a 24-hour change of – 0.20 feet.

Long range forecasts now predict the Carrollton Gauge will continue a very slow fall from 15.91 feet today to 12.8 feet on June 2nd.


The Baton Rouge Gauge reading at 1400 hours today was 40.59 feet, with a 24-hour change of – 0.31 feet.