The Corps of Engineers Mississippi Valley New Orleans (MVN) continues to respond to the shoaling, created by the extended high river stages of early 2018, on the Crossings Above New Orleans and in the New Orleans Harbor.  The MVN is working to restore full channel dimensions on the Crossings Above New Orleans with up to three dustpan dredges as the Fiscal Year winds down.  Federally authorized channel dimensions on the Crossings Above New Orleans are 45 feet by 500 feet.                                                                                                       

The Carrollton Gauge reading at 1100 hours today was 3.62 feet, with a 24-hour change of + 0.07 feet.

The Baton Rouge Gauge reading at 1300 hours today was 11.13 feet, with a 24-hour change of – 0.18 feet.

The graph below is reproduced from NOAA’s National Weather Service website and represents an experimental product to account for the complexity of accurately predicting long-range precipitation.  This forecast projects stage levels based on expected precipitation for 2 days (top) and 16 days (bottom) and was developed within the North American Ensemble Forecast System (NAEFS) computer model and highlights Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF).  Along with the forecasts, a shaded area is also provided to indicate uncertainty for the forecast each day in the future.   These plots are experimental and not an official forecast product.




WALLACE McGEORGE: The industry dustpan dredge WALLACE McGEORGE has commenced dredging full channel dimensions (500 feet) at the Arlington Lights (Mile 226.3 Above Head of Passes [AHP]) just upriver of Red Eye Crossing. The WALLACE McGEORGE commenced dredging on the Crossings on Friday, May 11, 2018.

HURLEY: The Corps’ dustpan dredge HURLEY continues dredging full channel dimensions (500 feet) at Red Eye Crossing (Mile 224 AHP). The dustpan dredge began dredging on the Crossings on Wednesday, May 16, 2018.

JADWIN: The Corps’ dustpan dredge JADWIN continues dredging full channel dimensions (500 feet) at Belmont Crossing (Mile 154 AHP). The NOBRA and Federal Pilots will anchor vessels in the Belmont Anchorage (Mile 154 AHP To Mile 152.9 AHP) “as far east as possible” in an effort to keep the Anchorage accessible while the dustpan dredge is working this location. The JADWIN began dredging on the Crossings on Thursday, May 10, 2018.


MIKE HOOKS: The cutterhead dredge MIKE HOOKS continues dredging in the New Orleans Harbor. The cutterhead has commenced dredging under contract for MVN, the dredge’s present assignment extends from Orange Street Wharf to Poydras Street Wharf. The dredge may also work at the Julia Street Cruise Terminal when the berth is vacant.