U.S. Customs and Border Protection [CBP] is frequently asked by stakeholders to provide additional services to mitigate the challenges of international travel and trade at ports of entry. Requested services in the Area Port of New Orleans are usually outside of port operating hours and often cannot be accommodated.
To address these stakeholder requests, CBP has pursued public-private partnerships in the form of the Reimbursable Services Program [RSP]. As authorized under Sections 481 and 482 of the Homeland Security Act, 2002, as amended by the Cross-Border Trade Enhancement Act, 2016, RSP allow CBP and our stakeholders to enter into agreements to address these challenges by providing additional/enhanced services outside of port operating hours.
The Reimbursable Services Program (RSP) enables partnerships between CBP and private sector or government entities, allowing CBP to provide additional inspection services upon the request of stakeholders.
Types of service can include customs, immigration, agricultural processing, border security and support at any facility where CBP provides or will provide services, and may cover costs such as salaries, benefits, overtime expenses, administration, and transportation costs. Agreements may not unduly and permanently impact existing services.
Due to increases in local trade and travel, stakeholder requests for services outside of normal port operating hours may be accommodated via the RSP. Stakeholders MUST have an agreement in place to request RSP services.
I encourage all stakeholders in the Area Port of New Orleans who have not entered into an RSP agreement with CBP to obtain program details and application guidance at www.cbp.gov/RSP. There is no cost to enter into an RSP agreement, and it is up to the stakeholder to request CBP services if/when desired.
For further information, please contact Chief Denise Emmer at denise.emmer@cbp.dhs.gov or (504) 670-2052.