At 0400 local time, September 11th, 2024, in preparation for the approaching Hurricane Francine, the Captain of the Port (COTP) Sector New Orleans will set Port Condition ZULU in accordance with the Maritime Hurricane Contingency Port Plan (MHCPP) found at

Port Status: No vessel movement is authorized within the COTP New Orleans Zone, without permission from the COTP or designated representative. The COTP will be implementing a phased approach to Port Condition ZULU:

  • 0400 local time, September 11, 2024: No vessel movements are authorized on the Lower Mississippi River (LMR) from Mile Marker (MM) 20 Below Head of Passes (BHP) to MM 195 Ahead of Passes (AHP). The following vessel transits are permitted: 
    • Vessels north of MM 195 AHP, transiting northbound toward safe haven. 
    • Vessels transiting northbound on the Port Allen route toward safe haven. 
    • Vessels evacuating the Hurricane Regulated Navigation Areas (RNAs). 
  • 1000 local time, September 11, 2024: Port Condition ZULU is set for the COTP New Orleans Zone, including on the LMR from MM 20 BHP to MM 303 AHP, and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) from MM 44.2 East of Harvey Locks (EHL) to MM 20 West of Harvey Locks (WHL).

Vessels requesting deviation from the requirements of Port Condition ZULU should utilize the Vessel Request for Movement Form found at or by using the QR code below.  Except in an emergency or to prevent/mitigate a potentially hazardous condition, all vessels shall contact the Vessel Traffic Center prior to movement.  This includes vessels transiting in the river system intending to continue northbound to a safe refuge when ZULU is set.  If vessels move in the event of an emergency, notify the Vessel Traffic Center as soon as practicable.

Fleet boats may transit light boat in the vicinity of their fleets to conduct necessary safety checks on fleets and/or respond to emergencies without contacting the Vessel Traffic Center prior to movement.

RNA Status: Both Hurricane Regulated Navigation Areas (RNAs) are in effect as per 33 CFR 165.838 (refer to MSIB Volume XXIV Issue 071, Update 1). All vessels still within the RNA when ZULU is set should contact the Vessel Traffic Center for consideration to evacuate into the Lower Mississippi River.  The RNA canals shall not be used for safe haven.  Vessel owners must use good judgment in determining a floating vessel’s mooring location during a storm.  All facilities with an Annual Hurricane Operations Plan (AHOP) shall moor their vessels in accordance with those plans.

If unable to comply with the enforcement of the RNAs, vessels shall contact the Waterways Management Division at with the mitigating efforts they will take while remaining within the RNA.

Under the Ports and Waterways Safety Act, the COTP may close portions of the port in response to forecasted weather and actual damage, impact, or threat in different geographic areas within the port.  The COTP may establish a Safety Zone controlling vessel movements and activities as appropriate, including all Navigable Waters of the United States within 12 nautical miles of shoreline.  All vessels are strongly urged to maintain a safe distance from the offshore safety fairways to protect the integrity of the navigational shipping lanes.

All COTP New Orleans MHCPP hurricane forms can be accessed using the QR Code below or at   

QRC Code

For additional information, contact the following: 

Waterways Management:   

Sector New Orleans Command Center (24 hour): (504) 365-2200

Vessel Traffic Center (24 Hour): (504) 365-2514 or VHF-FM channels 5A, 12, or 67

Coast Guard District Eight Bridges: (504) 671-2128 or

National Response Center (24 Hour): 1-800-424-8802