Please accept this update regarding an upcoming scheduled channel closure(s) on the Mississippi River Ship Channel (MRSC), the schedule remains the same as last broadcast: Channel Closure Date remains Tuesday, August 17, 2021.
The cutterhead dredge C.R. McCASKILL (Weeks Marine) has now completed dredging a trench across the MRSC at approximately Mile 9.8 Above Head of Passes (AHP). The cutterhead dredge will now respond to a cutterhead contract to dredge in Baptiste Collette, but is expected to complete that assignment by this weekend.
The dredge contractors for the Coastal Restoration Protection Authority’s Spanish Pass Marsh and Ridge Creation project, Weeks Marine, LLC intend to install a submerged dredge pipeline across the Mississippi River Ship Channel at approximately Mile 9.8 Above Head of Passes (AHP).
A complete closure of the Ship Channel from approximately Mile 10.3 AHP to Mile 9.0 AHP is expected to be implemented during a 12-hour closure to be scheduled from 0600 hours to 1800 hours on Tuesday, August 17, 2021.
The second closure date listed below (August 19) will only be used as a back-up closure and is not expected to be required if the dredge pipeline is successfully installed during the first closure (August 17, 2021).
0600 hours to 1800 hours: all vessels will be restricted from transiting between Mile 10.3 AHP and Mile 9.0 AHP on the Mississippi River Ship Channel, the submerged dredge pipeline will be inserted across the Ship Channel into the recently excavated trench. The intent is to allow east west shallow-draft traffic to move across the area through Baptiste Collette and the Venice Jump, the channel closure will be specific to the Ship Channel.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 2021: (Will only be utilized if the dredge pipeline operations are not completed on August 17, 2021.)
0600 hours to 1800 hours: all vessels would be restricted from transiting between Mile 10.3 AHP and Mile 9.0 AHP on the Mississippi River Ship Channel, the submerged dredge pipeline will be inserted across the Ship Channel into the recently excavated trench. The intent is to allow east west shallow-draft traffic to move across the area through Baptiste Collette and the Venice Jump, the closure would be specific to the Ship Channel.
Vessels intending to arrive or depart the Mississippi River on the day of a scheduled closure must arrive at Boothville (outbound) no later than 0500 hours or Southwest Pass Entrance Light (inbound) no later than 0330 hours on the morning of the scheduled Ship Channel closure(s).
Vessels needing to contact Weeks Marine for details during these operations can reach the NOEL R (Crew Boat) on VHF Channel 67 or Channel 82.
The U.S. Coast Guard will issue a Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) prior to the final closure dates, detailing the official Ship Channel closure information related to this submerged dredge pipeline installation project.
Please direct any questions or concerns regarding this operation to my attention.