The ACOE has completed operations a day early at MM 108.6 and will begin operations at MM 200 beginning Sunday, January 03, 2021.

The Captain of the Port New Orleans is issuing a safety advisory for the waters of the Lower Mississippi River from Mile Marker (MM) 107.6 Above Head of Passes (AHP) to MM 109.6 AHP. This advisory is needed to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) revetment operations occurring along the Right Descending Bank (RDB) near MM 108.6 AHP (Avondale Bend). The revetment operations will be conducted daily from 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM local from December 29 to January 03, 2021. During times of actual revetment work, the Mat Sinking Unit (MSU) will extend approximately 500-900′ channelward from the bank. At the conclusion of daily operations, the platform will remain on-scene in a folded position and will extend approximately 300′ from the RDB into the river at night.

Effective at 6:00 AM on December 29, 2020 or when the Mat Sinking Unit begins work at Avondale Bend, this safety advisory is in effect with the following provisions:

*   All vessels are restricted to one-way traffic from MM 107.6 to MM 109.6 AHP LMR during the revetment operations listed above.

*   All vessels shall transit at slowest safe speed to minimize wake and proceed with caution.

*   All vessels shall contact the USACE on-scene pilots stationed on the M/V HARRISON or M/V WILLIAM JAMES via VHF-FM Channels 67 or 82 to make passing arrangements. Updates and/or changes will be disseminated via VTS email distribution and/or via Safety Broadcast Notice to Mariners.

For further information, contact:
Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Command Center: (504) 365-2200
Coast Guard Waterways Management: (504) 365-2280
Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River: (504) 365-2514, VHF FM Ch. 05A, 12, 67