Rescission of Temporary Restrictions on Crew Shore Leave
This notice rescinds the temporary restrictions specified in Southern Currents 20-023 dated March 21, 2020, that wereimplemented to address the public health emergency and community spread of COVID-19.
Crew shore leave processing and inspection will now return to previously established procedures.
Requests for crew sign-offs (D-2) which include an overnight stay will now be considered if, the crewmember is not exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, the crewmember has valid travel documents, and there is no other restriction on the crewmember’s travel.
Vessel agents should continue to provide notice of vessel arrivals, and updated vessel arrival information, to the CBP New Orleans Operations Desk email address at neworleansopsdesk@cbp.dhs.gov or telephonically during the hours of 0700 – 1500 hours Sunday – Saturday, via telephone number (504) 670-2270.
Local questions should be directed to Chief Kevin Alombro at (504) 670-2250 or via email at kevin.m.alombro@cbp.dhs.gov.