See attached the CRPPA tariff card effective May 1, 2019.




Pilotage between Pilottown and New Orleans and all intermediate points, or vice-versa. Regular pilotage fees shall include charges for Draft, Zones, and if applicable, Tonnage.

1) Vessels requiring up to 8 hours – regular pilotage fees.
2) Vessels requiring in excess of 8 hours – regular pilotage fees plus a proportional hourly rate based on that vessel’s regular pilotage fee; minimum hourly rate – $505.70 one hour minimum.


Per foot, deepest Freshwater Draft……………………………… $ 70.18
Minimum Draft (20 feet)………………………………………….. $1,403.60


Vessels shall be charged a tonnage fee based on the greater Deadweight Tonnage listed in Lloyd’s Register.

Greater Deadweight Tonnage for vessels of at least 21,000 DWT.. $276.30

Each 1,000 DWT in excess of 21,000 DWT, to at least 60,000 DWT, increments of…………………………………………….. $ 33.55

Each 1,000 DWT in excess of 60,000 DWT, increments of……………. $ 40.76


Vessels shall be charged a zone fee for each zone in which pilotage service is performed based on the greater Deadweight Tonnage listed in Lloyd’s Register.

Mississippi River Zones

  1. Pilottown Wingdam Lt. (1.5) to Jump Wharf Lt. (10.5)
  2. Jump Wharf Lt. (10.5) to Fort Jackson (20.0)
  3. Fort Jackson (20.0) to Empire Canal (29.5)
  4. Empire Canal (29.5) to Nestor Canal Lt. (39.7)
  5. Nestor Canal Lt. (39.7) to Rock Island Dock Lts. (49.3)
  6. Rock Island Dock Lts. (49.3) to Ironton Lt. (60.0)
  7. Ironton Lt. (60.0) to Oakville Lt. (69.9)
  8. Oakville Lt. (69.9) to Upper Limits of 12 Mile Anchorage


  9. Upper Limits of 12 Mile Anchorage (80.8) to Upper Limits

    of QuarantineAnchorage (91.6)

9A. Algiers Canal

10. Upper Limits Quarantine Anchorage (91.6) to Upper End of Henry Clay Ave. Wharf (101.1)

10A. HarveyCanal
11. Upper End of Henry Clay Ave. Wharf (101.1) to South

Port (104.7)
ICWW and Inner Harbor Navigation Canal Zones

Zone B-1 Zone B-2

Zone C-1

Light 128 A (59.9) Eastward
Light 128 A (59.9) to Florida Ave. or L & N Bridge
Florida Ave. Bridge to the Industrial Canal Locks
L & N Bridge to Lake Pontchartrain

Zone C-2

(a) Vessels under 21,000 Deadweight Tons, per zone…………… $ 81.01

(b) Vessels 21,000 Deadweight Tons to 60,000 Dead-weight Tones, per zone……… $204.74

(c) Vessels over 60,000 Deadweight Tons, per zone……………. $330.05


Docking or undocking vessels, an additional fee based on the vessel’s overall length listed in Lloyd’s Register, as follows:
Under 300 feet …………………………………………………………………. $200.08
300 feet and under 600 feet ……………………………………………… $431.89
600 feet and over ……………………………………………………………… $586.34
The above docking or undocking fees shall apply when vessels are moored or unmoored to or from mooring buoys. Vessels shifting on lines shall incur a docking fee.

Docking and Undocking vessels, head-down, an additional……………. $189.05

Docking and Undocking vessels, stern first, an additional……………… $189.05


1. All shifts within the harbor of New Orleans
(Southport to Meraux), including the Industrial Canal,
Algiers Canal and Harvey Canal…………………………………………. $702.36

2. Shifting from Anchorages, or from docks, below Meraux, to and including Poverty Point, or vice-versa, when not passing a dock or anchorage.
Shifting from Lower Nine Mile and Lower Twelve Mile Anchorages to Point-Underway, or vice-versa…………………….. $799.86

3. Shifting from Anchorages, or from docks, below Poverty Point, to and including Venice, or vice-versa, when not passing a dock or anchorage. Shifting from Boothville Anchorage to Pilottown, or vice-versa…………………………………………………………………… $906.78

4. Dead ships to be charged a double shifting fee.



  1.  In the event a pilot is detained more than one hour for any cause, except for awaiting berth, a detention charge shall apply and be paid per hour, or fraction thereof, including payment for thefirst hour up to and including the third hour.

This charge shall be…………………………………………………………. $261.21

  1. In the event a pilot is detained more than three hours for any cause, except for awaiting berth, a detention charge shall apply for each hour, or fraction thereof, after the third hour. This charge shall be………………………………………………………………………….. $505.50
  2. When aboard vessels at a berth or at anchor, pilots shall be required to stand by such vessels up to three hours from the time ordered, unless discharged earlier by the vessel’s master or agent. Nothing shall prevent a pilot from standing by for more than three hours, and the detention charge shall be paid at the applicable rate. When awaiting vessels ordered point-underway, pilots shall standby until discharged by the vessel’s master or agent and the applicable detention charge shall apply.
  3. Discharge within the Port of New Orleans………………………….. $510.51
  4. Discharge outside the Port of New Orleans…………………………. $551.20
  5. Whenever a vessel must standby, anchor, or remain at anchor for more than twenty minutes because its berth is occupied, an awaiting berth charge shall apply for each hour, or fraction thereof, from arrival off berth or getting underway from at anchor. This charge shall be…………………………………………….. $261.21
  6. In the event a pilot is detained more than three hours, the awaiting berth charge for each hour, or fraction thereof, beyond the third hour shall apply. This charge shall be………………………………… $505.70


  1. Transportation costs to or from vessels at the Transportation Tariff Rate and boat service to or from vessels at anchor or underway shall be borne by the vessel. When the Crescent River Port Pilots’ boat is used to embark or disembark a pilot on a vessel at Boothville, a charge of $567.35 shall be applicable.
  2. Pilot services, except as provided in Section 3, shall be ordered for vessels at least three hours in advance. Whenever a pilot is ordered with less than three hours notice, a charge of $378.11 shall be applicable.
  3. Vessels inbound to Southwest Pass from another U.S. Gulf Port or its anchorage, shall provide an ETA to the Crescent RiverPort Pilots’ Office at least six hours prior to their arrival off thePass. This ETA shall be revised upon the vessel’s departing the other U.S. Gulf Port, or its anchorage, if necessary.

    Vessels inbound from an origin other than a U.S. Gulf Port or its anchorage, shall provide an ETA at least twenty-four hours in advance. If this vessel fails to provide this ETA at least twenty- four hours in advance, this vessel shall pay $501.06. If an ETA changes by more than two hours, the Crescent River Port Pilots shall be advised at least six hours prior to the original ETA or the vessel’s arrival, whichever is earlier. An ETA given as “A.M.” shall be assumed to be 0600 hours local time; an ETA given as “P.M.” shall be assumed to be 1800 hours local time. A vessel or her agent can revise its original ETA as often as necessary as long as the six hour rule is followed. The latest ETA received shall be considered the vessel’s ETA. An ETA or revised ETA must be given in local time. The ETA and revised ETA may be provided by fax or telephone.

    Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association
    Fax (504) 392-7598 – 24 Hours

    Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association
    Office (504) 392-8001 – 24 Hours

    Vessels arriving off Southwest Pass without an ETA shall pay a charge of $1,002.12, in addition to all other applicable charges in the tariff. A vessel shall be considered to have arrived off Southwest Pass when she is one mile off the sea buoy. The Crescent River Port Pilots will notify the vessel or its agent of the availability of a pilot and expected waiting time, if any. Vessels providing an ETA but arriving more than two hours before their ETA shall have the option of having a pilot dispatched immediately, if available, and paying the charge of $1,002.12 or waiting for a pilot to be dispatched for the vessel’s latest ETA. Vessels arriving more than two hours after their ETA shall pay a detention charge at the applicable rate for each hour it arrives after this ETA. However, this charge shall not exceed $1,002.12. Vessels not arriving within four hours of their ETA or revised ETA shall be considered to have become disabled or diverted and no longer calling at this port. The vessel or her agent shall notify the Crescent River Port Pilots as soon as it is known that she has become disabled or has been diverted. If a vessel arrives off Southwest Pass more than four hours later than her ETA, it shall pay the $1,002.12 charge plus detention for each hour, or fraction thereof, after four hours from this vessel’s ETA. If this vessel revises the ETA prior to its ETA, this vessel shall not be subject to pay the detention charge, but shall pay the $1,002.12 charge. The Crescent River Port Pilots will advise the vessel or her agent if there shall be a delay to the vessel for pilotage service. Whenever a vessel arrives off Southwest Pass and a charge of $1,002.12 is applicable, the vessel so arriving shall pay the Transportation charge to Venice.

  4. The Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association or its members may enter into agree- ments with the masters or owners of vessels, agents representing masters or owners of vessels, or other affected entities or their representatives pertaining to pilotage rates, including but not limited to: tasks requiring assignments of more than one pilot simultaneously; requests for the assignment of a pilot or pilots to a vessel during those periods when all duty pilots have assignments, or have not received proper rest; a change in a vessel’s original ordered destination is requested; or for special services and transportation costs not covered in the tariff, and for the hire of boats and equipment for such rates and for such sums as may be agreed between them. No special service agreements shall be made when deemed unsafe.
  5. If the time aboard a vessel is deemed excessive to complete the pilotage service, the pilot may be relieved; however, such exchange shall not increase the cost of the applicable regular pilotage fees, unless the vessel’s original destination is changed, then Section 4 applies.
  6. All vessels incurring a regular pilotage fee shall pay a surcharge which providesmonies for the River Port Pilots’ Pension Plan. This plan is on file with theLouisiana Pilotage Fee Commission (the “Commission”). The surcharge shall be based on the volume of shipping; the rate charged shall be based on each vessel’s greater Deadweight Tonnage listed in Lloyd’s Register, calculated to the nearest one hundredth of a mill; and subject to quarterly adjustments based on the plan’stotal expense for the current benefit payment period as determined by the Boardof Administrators or its agent.
  7. All vessels incurring a regular pilotage fee shall pay a $4.50 communication charge.
  8. Tariff rates and fees shall be adjusted annually to mitigate the over or under recovery of operating and administrative costs and expenses of pilotage. The an- nual adjustment shall be made pursuant to the “True-Up” methodology approved and implemented by Order of the Commission.
  9. Vessels of one hundred gross tons or less, or those vessels exempted by the laws of the United States shall not be required to take a pilot. However, nothing shall prevent such vessels from requesting pilotage service.
  10. All vessels shall employ a river port pilot when navigating the operating territory described in LA. R.S. 34:996, except those vessels exempt by the laws of the United States or vessels of one hundred gross tons or less. When pilot services are timely offered and refused, said vessel shall pay such charges as are provided in LA. R.S. 34:997.
  11. All vessels shall be subject to pay any and all pilotage fees, charges, and surcharges which are authorized by the appropriate regulatory body. The Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association shall have a lien and privilege upon any vessel employing a river port pilot for the non-payment of pilotage fees, charges, and surcharges as provided for in LA. R.S. 34:1000.
  12. For the remainder of a twenty (20) year period beginning October 1, 2011, a capital improvement surcharge of $167.48 per inbound/outbound turn shall be imposed for construction and amortization of a pilot station at Pilottown, subject to true-up on an annual basis.
  13. For a ten (10) year period beginning October 1, 2011, a capital improvement surcharge of $45.90 per inbound/outbound turn shall be imposed for construction and amortization of two (2) purpose-built pilot boats, subject to true-up on an annual basis.