The Big River Coalition’s Corps 2018 Revetment Schedule and Transit Restrictions Update 122018 is attached for your reference. The December 20, 2018 (released today) schedule of work as provided by the Corps of Engineer’s Mississippi Valley Division is the latest schedule update and is attached.
The remaining work at Gravolet (ongoing) and Poydras both require significant transit restrictions that are detailed in the attached Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIB).
The Coast Guard, Corps, Pilots and navigation stakeholders will continue to monitor the operations and navigational safety, additional adjustments may be warranted. The transit restrictions established in the attached MSIBs may also change, the U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River (VTS LMR) indicates an updated MSIB should be issued when the mat sinking operations return to Poydras. The transit restrictions are expected to be the same, but minor changes could be warranted.
The latest schedule from the Corps’ Mississippi Valley Division (Vicksburg – MVD) 2018 Mississippi River bank stabilization program schedule (revetment and rock work), with navigation restrictions, is enclosed. The December 20, 2018 schedule of work as provided by the MVD is attached. The Corps has completed revetment operations above New Orleans and continues working at Gravolet (Mile 50.4 Above Head of Passes [AHP]) and will then resume work at the Poydras location (Mile 81 AHP). The schedule of work has been hampered by the high river stages and due to the Holiday Schedule there will be no work from mid-day Friday, December 21st until mid-day on December 26th. There are two remaining locations between Baton Rouge and New Orleans scheduled for rock work (bank stabilization) that will be conducted in 2019.
During times of actual revetment work, the Mat Sinking Unit (MSU) extends from approximately 300 to 800 feet channelward from the bank. When the Unit is not folded in, it extends about 480 feet from the bank channelward. When it is folded in, the MSU extends 250 feet from the bank. The scheduled working times for the MSU are from 0600 hours to 1900 hours. In different locations the operations may be completed slightly before or after 1900 hours. The Pilots and Coast Guard’s Lower Mississippi River Vessel Traffic Service (LMR VTS) will utilize the Contact Pilot on the MSU to coordinate vessel movements in the vicinity of ongoing revetment operations.
The updated schedules from the Corps will be distributed upon receipt. The BRC will notify our members of any changes; however, please keep in mind that some changes occur without advance notice. The scheduled dates may change but those shown below are based on the latest schedule provided by the Corps.
The revetment operations will cease at approximately noon tomorrow, Friday, December 21 and resume at approximately noon on Wednesday, December 26, 2018 at the Gravolet location. The revetment operations at Gravolet and Poydras have both warranted Vessel Traffic Service Measures covered in the attached Marine Information Safety Bulletins (MSIB) each details multiple transit restrictions, including restrictions in local deep-draft anchorages. The schedule below reflects that covered in the attached schedule provided by the MVD.
Location | Mile
(Right or Left) |
2018 Scheduled Date(s) | Restrictions |
50.4 LDB | December 19 to December 21
December 26 to December 28 |
Refer to attached MSIB, language. Fold in at night.
NO WORK | December 22 to December 26 | December 21 cease at mid-day.
December 26 resume at mid-day. |
Poydras | 81.0 LDB | December 29 to January 3 (2019) |
Refer to attached MSIB, language. Fold in at night.
Please see the attachments for complete details.
VTS Measure – Gravolet Revetment Operations MM 50.4 AHP LMR
Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Lower Mississippi River, in accordance with the Navigation Safety Regulations, Code of Federal Regulations Title 33, Subpart 161.11, will establish a VTS Measure for the waters of the Lower Mississippi River from Mile Marker (MM) 48.4 Above Head of Passes (AHP) to MM 51.4 AHP. This Measure is needed to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) revetment operations occurring along the left descending bank (LDB) near MM 50.4 AHP (Gravolet). The revetment operations will be conducted daily from 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM from December 18 – 22 and 26 – 28. At the conclusion of daily operations, the platform will remain on-scene and will extend approximately 480’ from the LDB into the river at night.
Effective at 3:00 PM on December 18, 2018, this Measure is in effect with the following provisions:
- All vessels are prohibited from anchoring in Point Celeste Anchorage above MM 51.0 AHP LMR.
- All vessels with drafts 35’ and greater are restricted to one-way traffic at all times from MM 49.4 to MM 51.4 AHP LMR.
- All vessels shall transit at slowest safe speed to minimize wake from MM 48.4 to MM 51.4 AHP LMR.
- All vessels shall contact the USACE on-scene pilots stationed on the M/V HARRISON or M/V
WILLIAM JAMES via VHF-FM Channels 67 or 82 to make passing arrangements.
Updates and/or changes will be disseminated via VTS email distribution and/or via Safety Broadcast Notice to Mariners.
For further information, contact:
Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Command Center: (504) 365-2200
Coast Guard Waterways Management: (504) 365-2280
Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River: (504) 365-2230, VHF FM Ch. 05A, 12, 67
Corps Revetment Schedule 122018[1].pdf
Corps 2018 Revetment Schedule and Transit Restricitons 122018.pdf