SC 24-024
SC 24-024 FLYER

This trade notice is to inform vessel carriers that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) drafted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to mandate the submission of the Electronic Export Manifest (EEM).  This change is intended to streamline data collection, fully automate maritime export cargo processing, and provide CBP the ability to conduct crucial risk assessment on all outbound cargo. Federal Register: Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Export Manifest for Vessel Cargo Test: Renewal of Test

The Trade Act of 2002, Sec. 343(a) signed August 6, 2002, directed the Secretary of Treasury to promulgate regulation, to provide for the mandatory collection by Customs of electronic cargo information prior to importation into or exportation from the United Sates. Today, the CF 1302A Outbound Cargo Declaration is submitted to CBP either by, the Document Image System (DIS), or directly to the port of departure.  These antiquated processes result in inefficiencies for both the party submitting the data and CBP. The EEM will allow pre-departure manifest data to be collected on all export transactions electronically and includes master and house level manifest data from the carriers and parties that control that information.

Carriers are highly encouraged to begin planning for this change now by requesting to participate in the EEM pilot.  Early participation allows participants to become familiar with EEM and how it will affect their current business process.

CBP has been conducting an EEM pilot for several years with carriers in various transportation modes. The pilot has successfully enabled carrier participants to program the EEM data elements, validate transmission paths to ACE, and manage the hold/inspection process more efficiently. To accurately evaluate EEM’s effectiveness, additional pilot participants are being accepted.

For additional information on EEM or for instructions for enrolling the pilot please visit the following link:

Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to Customs and Border Protection Port Director James Welch at (225) 268-9454 or