16FEB21 1014 LOCAL:

UPDATE:  The Marine Division will re-open at noon on Tuesday 02.16.21.
UPDATE:  The Blanket Delay in Departure will end at midnight on Tuesday 02.16.21 – 2400 hours 02.16.21.

SC 21-029

Marine Division Physical Closure:  Due to meteorologist predictions for freezing rain, sleet and ice on roadways in the metropolitan area, the Marine Division at the New Orleans Customhouse will physically close at 2:00 PM on Monday 02.15.21 for walk-in transactions.

The Customhouse, Gramercy and Baton Rouge Marine Divisions will remain closed until roadway conditions improve on Tuesday 02.16.21.  Virtual transactions (email entrances and clearances, lade orders, etc.) may continue to be submitted.

As a reminder, while the Marine Division is closed, hours/days do not count when calculating timeframes for:

  • Vessel formal entrance after arrival [48 hours] (19 CFR  §4.3a);
  • Filing complete manifests and export declarations [4 days] (19CFR §4.75b).

Blanket Delay in Departure: Since MS River Pilots will cease vessel movements along the Lower Mississippi River (LMR) at noon today, 02.15.21, a blanket delay in departure is in effect.

When the MS River Pilots lift vessel movement restrictions on the Mississippi River, the Blanket Delay in Departure will be lifted.  A Trade Notice will be disseminated.

Any emergent marine division issues or questions about this trade notice should be relayed to Denise Emmer, Chief of Trade, via email at denise.emmer@cbp.dhs.gov.