SC 20-043

In preparation for Hurricane SALLY, a blanket delay in departure is approved for the New Orleans Tri-Port (New Orleans, Gramercy and Baton Rouge) effective Sunday September 13, 2020 at 1600 until the Lower Mississippi River [LMR] is opened by the River Pilots and the USCG Captain of the Port.

There is no requirement to have a Vessel Entrance and Clearance Specialist (VECS) stamp/annotate a vessel’s clearance “Delay in Departure” when a blanket Delay in Departure is authorized.  Reference Southern Currents 19-028 July 10, 2019.

As a reminder, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays do not count when calculating timeframes for:

  • Vessel formal entrance after arrival [48 hours] (19 CFR  4.3a);
  • Filing complete manifests and export declarations [4 days] (19CFR 4.75b).

Any emergent marine division issues, or questions about this trade notice, should be relayed to Chief Denise Emmer at