Regulated Navigation Area – East
Effective immediately, the Captain of the Port New Orleans (COTP) rescinds the enforcement of the Hurricane Regulated Navigation Area (RNA) East, which includes the Inner Harbor Navigational Channel south from the Seabrook Flood Gate to the IHNC Lock.
At this time, the Seabrook Complex remains closed.
For most up to date information on floodgate status please visit Flood Protection Authority East website at:
This Marine Safety Information Bulletin supersedes Volume XX Issue 091 (Regulated Navigation Area Enforcement, dated August 22, 2020).
Waterways Management: (504) 365-2280 Email address:
Sector New Orleans Command Center (24 hour): (504) 365-2200
Vessel Traffic Center (24 Hour): (504) 365-2514 or VHF-FM channels 5A, 12 or 67
Coast Guard District Eight Bridges: (504) 671-2128
National Response Center (24 Hour): 1-800-424-8802
Flood Protection Authority – East: 504-286-3100