SUBJECT: Emergency Preparedness Business Resumption Procedures
The 2014 hurricane season began on June 1,2014, and will be in effect until the end ofNovember. A vital portion of CBP’s Emergency Preparedness program is to keep all trade stakeholders informed regarding operational issues that could impact the flow oftrade into the U.S.
When a hurricane is within 24 hours of landfall, weather forecasters will declare a HurricaneWarning. Once a Hurricane Warning is announced, non-essential CBP operations and facilities willbegin to shut down. If a shutdown takes place that will impact the trade community, the Area Port ofNew Orleans will issue a Southern Currents to all trade stakeholders in an effort to provide shutdowninformation as well as CBP contact information. Similar Southern Currents will be issued for other emergency events.
In addition to Southern Currents, the following information includes other avenues that the trade community should pursue in order to receive the most current information regarding port closures, port openings and other trade business resumption issues:
- website: www.cbp.govWhen an emergency event occurs, the first page on the website will include up-to dateinformation of interest to trade stakeholders, to include port openings and closures. In addition, CBPbusinessresumptioninformationcanbefoundinthefollowingsectionoftheCBP.govwebsite:
The CBP Unified Business Resumption Messaging page will include messages, direction andupdates to enable post-incident resumption of trade for northern border, southern border, air and sea ports of entry, to include rail operations.
- Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS)CSMS is a searchable database of messages that are of interest to ABI Filers, ACE EventParticipants, ACE Portal Accounts, ACE Reports Users, Air Carriers, Ocean Carriers, Periodic Monthly Statement Participants, Rail Carriers and Truck Carriers. CSMS messages can beretrieved based on a combination of keywords and filtering by group. CSMS provides the addedfeature o f cross referencing messages from the initial search result set with related messagecounterparts, sorting by publish date, title and CSMS number.
E-mail Notifications: CSMS is augmented by an e-mail subscription service which provides timely notification of new messages based on each or any combination of item groups. Use the CSMS subscription form to create a new subscription account or to change or cancel an existingaccount.
Trade stakeholders who have subscribed to the Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) email notification system will receive automated electronic updates regarding disruptions to trade andbusiness resumption information.
If you have not subscribed to CSMS email notification feature and wish to do so, go to thefollowing link on the website: section of the website will allow you to subscribe to CSMS or to change/cancel an existingCSMS account.
- Homeport:CBP and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) have worked together to develop joint protocolsfor the expeditious recovery of trade. The USCG maintains a website, entitled Homeport, with updated information for business resumption. Homeport can be accessed at the following website:
Questions regarding the information provided in this notice should be addressed to Merlin Hyinel, Assistant Port Director, Trade Operations, Area Port of New Orleans, at 504-670-2088.