Southern Currents 17-021.pdf

SUBJECT: New Orleans Marine Division Operating Hours and After Hours Vessel Entrances and Clearances

Hours of Business:
Reference (19 CFR 101.6)

  • Monday — Friday 0830 — 1700 hours
  • Saturday & Sunday 0900 — 1700 hours
  • Federal Holidays 0900 — 1700 hours

Agents are required to enter and clear vessels during normal port operating hours.

Vessel Formal Entry:
Reference: (19 CFR 4.3(a).
Within 48 hours after the arrival at any port or place in the New Orleans Tri-Port, vessels are required to make formal entry at the New Orleans, Gramercy, or Baton Rouge Marine Divisions •

  • Saturdays, Sundays and holidays do not count when calculating the 48 hours for vessel entry.

Vessel Departures from the Tri-Port / Delay in Departure:
Reference: (19 CFR 4.60d)
Vessels have 48 hours to depart the Tri-Port after clearance is granted at the New Orleans, Gramercy, or Baton Rouge Marine Divisions.

In the event that a vessel departure is delayed beyond 48 hours after clearance, the delay shall be reported (via telephone and fax) to the Marine Division which granted clearance. A delay departure may be granted by annotating the CBP clearance. A delay in departure will allow an additional 24 hours for the vessel to depart the New Orleans Tri-Port.

There may be times when a blanket delay in departure would be granted to all vessels due to port issues (port closures, weather conditions, etc…)

In the event that a vessel departure is delayed beyond 72 hours the vessel should notify the Marine Division which granted clearance to cancel and surrender the original clearance.

  • Saturdays, Sundays and holidays count when calculating the 48 or 72 hours for vessel departures.
  • If the Gramercy or Baton Rouge Marine Division is closed, coordinate the delay in departure with the New Orleans Marine Division.

Filing Complete Outbound Manifests and Export Declarations:
Reference: (19 CFR 4.75b)
Vessel Masters/Agents shall file complete outbound manifests and export declarations either electronically or to the Marine Division which granted clearance not later than the fourth (e) business day after clearance is granted.

The timeframe to calculate the four (4) business days to file complete outbound manifests and export declarations begins on the first day after clearance is granted.

  • Saturdays, Sundays and holidays do not count when calculating the four (4) business days to file complete outbound manifests and export declarations.

In the event that a vessel is scheduled to arrive after 1600 hours, and will depart prior to 0830 hours the next morning, the vessel agent should notify the Marine Division prior to 1500 hours on the date of arrival describing the specifics of the situation. A supervisor will review the scenario and if warranted, assign an officer to complete the vessel entrance and clearance outside of normal hours. If approved, the agent will be notified of the time and location of the vessel entrance and clearance. These scenarios are the exception rather than the norm.

Vessel Carriers and Agencies that desire additional CBP services outside of normal port hours may consider the CBP Reimbursable Services Program [RSP] which is a public-private partnership between CBP and the private sector. Entities who apply, and are approved, for this program may receive additional services upon the request of stakeholders. For additional information on this program please contact Assistant Port Director Mark Choina at or at (504) 670-2287.

Questions regarding this Southern Currents may be directed to Chief Denise Emmer at or at (504) 670-2052.