The Captain of the Port New Orleans is issuing Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Safety Measures to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ construction of an emergency Saltwater Barrier Sill at Lower Mississippi River Mile Marker (MM) 63.7 Above Head of Passes (AHP). The following channel restrictions will be in effect beginning on September 14 at 7:00 a.m.

1)     All vessels are limited to one way traffic from MM 63.65 to 63.91 AHP confined to a channel 500’ wide. The channel follows the Left Descending Bank (LDB) and is marked on its West side by four white buoys with fixed white all-around lights.

–        All vessels transiting this zone shall check-in with and take direction from the Contact Pilot onboard the J.S. CHATRY 30 minutes prior to arrival on Channel 67.

–        All vessels shall transit at their slowest safe speed between MM 63.5 to 65 AHP.

–        Alliance Anchorage is closed to all traffic.

–        The Contact Pilot is the Coast Guard’s Designated Representative.

–        These measures will remain in effect until rescinded/adjusted at a future date.

The channel buoy locations are as follows:

1.      29 42 10.0559 N      089 58 37.648 W

2.     29 42 6.8683 N        089 58 36.0686 W

3.     29 42 0.5062 N        089 58 32.8304 W

4.     29 41 57.3495 N      089 58 31.2487 W

Evans Cross is the Project Manager on site and can be reached at (224) 563-4432.

All are reminded that future draft restrictions may be required as a result of the sill’s final height. The U.S. Coast Guard will coordinate closely with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide updates as soon as that information becomes available.

Updates will be disseminated via VTS email distribution and/or Safety Broadcast Notice to Mariners. For further information, contact:

Sector New Orleans Command Center (24 hour): (504) 365-2545

Vessel Traffic Service (24 hour): (504) 365-2514, VHF FM Ch. 05A, 12, 67

Sector New Orleans Waterways Management: (504) 365-2280 or