The Pipeline Removal at MM 11 AHP LMR and the Hopper Dredge Disposal Area (HDDA) MM 0-2 AHP LMR have been postponed until further notice.  The Safety Measure for MM 11 remains in effect as follows:  The Captain of the Port New Orleans is issuing a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Safety Measure for the waters of the Lower Mississippi River (LMR) at Mile Marker (MM) 11 Above Head of Passes (AHP) to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the Gulf South pipeline removal operations. In-river operations to include the use of divers, multiple vessels – including anchored barges – will be working 24 hours per day and will impact the navigation channel. The following channel restrictions ARE in effect:

Vessels shall check in with the Contact Pilot onboard the BB-70 on VHF-FM Channel 67 at the following locations for the latest navigation information and direction:

  • Transiting Southbound: MM 28 AHP (Empire Locks)
  • Transiting Northbound: MM 2 AHP (Pilottown)

Future schedule updates will be communicated via BNM, MSIB, and/or industry-wide emails.




Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Lower Mississippi River, in accordance with the Navigation Safety Regulations, Code of Federal Regulations Title 33, Subpart 161.11, will establish a series of VTS measures for all waters of the Lower Mississippi River from Mile Marker (MM) 0 to MM 2 Above Head of Passes (AHP) and MM 10 to MM 12 AHP. These measures are needed to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the installation of temporary submerged discharge line for Hopper Dredge Disposal Area (HDDA) dredging operations crossing the channel and Gulf South pipeline removal operations, and are in effect with the following provisions:

  • September 10 to September 11, 2023, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time: vessels are restricted to one-way traffic between MM 0 and MM 2.0 AHP.
  • September 12, 2023, and September 14, 2023, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time: all vessels are restricted from transiting between MM 0 and MM 2.0 AHP and MM 10 and MM 12 AHP.

Between the closures area (MM 2.0 to MM 10 AHP), vessels are allowed to transit normally. For questions or status updates, mariners should contact the on-scene vessels:

  • Dredge CAPT FRANK (MM 0 to 2.0 AHP) on VHF-FM channel 67 or at (985) 237-5014
  • Dredge BB-70 (MM 10 to 12 AHP) on VHF-FM channel 67 at the following locations:
    • Transiting Southbound: MM 28 AHP (Empire Locks)
    • Transiting Northbound: MM 2 AHP (Pilottown)

The temporary measures listed above modify the schedule of channel restrictions listed in MSIB Vol XXIII Issue 052 VTS Safety Measure – Pipeline Removal Operations MM 11 AHP LMR (Update 1). All other restrictions and requirements previously published remain in effect. Updates and/or changes to the published schedule will be broadcast via Broadcast Notice to Mariners and/or industry-wide email.

Vessels intending to arrive or depart the Mississippi River on the day of a closure must arrive at Pilottown (outbound) no later than 5:30 a.m. or Southwest Pass Entrance Light (inbound) no later than 4:00 a.m. on the morning of the closure.


For additional information, contact:

Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River: (504) 365-2514, VHF-FM Ch. 05A, 12, or 67

Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Command Center (24 hours): (504) 365-2200

Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Waterways Management: (504) 365-2280 or Secnola-wpm@uscg.mil