CRPPA Letter 032020

In order to mitigate the threat of transmission of tbe CORONAVIRUS to the Lower Mississippi River maritime community, we respectfully request the following measures be taken prior to the Pilot boarding and during the voyage.


* In the hour prior to a Pilot boarding, wipe down the entire bridge with a 5% solution of bleach water. (Chart table, instruments, chairs, helm, entire console, windows, etc.)

* Any crew member entering bridge should thoroughly wash their hands and face prior to entering the bridge, and their hands again immediately upon entering.

*Pilots may bring their own sanitizing materials, but these should also be provided by the ship and made available for all bridge team members to use frequently.

* Close contact should be avoided at all times.

* Any member of the bridge team should gel their-hands immediately after touching their face, PILOTS INCLUDED! Pilots should make this awareness a part of MPX. It is second nature to itch one’s nose. If the helmsman sees the pilot do it then speak up!

* Please only allow essential personnel in the wheelhouse while a Pilot is on board.

* Eating while on the bridge should be avoided when possible. Thank you for taking the precautions we have requested.


E. Michael Bopp, President