SC 20-021

The CBP Area Port Director has approved a blanket Delay in Departure for those vessels unable to depart the lower Mississippi River [LMR] because of the river closure from Mile Marker  [MM]117.0 – MM122.0 ahead of pass due to a vessel allusion with a bridge causing barges to break away/sink.  Currently all barges are secured except one.  The river remains closed from MM119 – MM 121 ahead of pass pending salvage today of one unstable barge at MM 119.8.

This blanket Delay in Departure grants additional time for vessels to depart port until the LMR is opened.

All vessels currently held in port due to the river closure from MM119.0 – MM 122.0 will have 48 hours to depart port once the LMR is opened without having to surrender and cancel previously granted clearances.

There is no requirement to have a Vessel Entrance and Clearance Specialist (VECS) stamp/annotate a vessel’s clearance “Delay in Departure” when a blanket Delay in Departure is authorized.

A delay in departure does not provide additional time for filing complete outbound manifests and export declarations.

Direct questions about this trade notice to Supervisor Frank Foster at (504) 670-2057 or via e-mail at