The revetment operations at Myrtle Grove (Mile 58.9 Above Head of Passes [AHP]) were completed earlier today (Sunday, December 1, 2019). The Mat Sinking Unit is transiting upriver and now expected to begin work at the Aben/Bringier Point (Mile 172.5 AHP) location at 0500 hours on Tuesday, December 3, 2019.
The Marine Information Safety Bulletin for Aben/Bringier Point as issued by the USCG is attached for your reference.
Please note based on the work at the Myrtle Grove location taking a little longer than scheduled, the work at Aben/Bringier Point is now expected to start on December 3, 2019 and not December 2, 2019 as listed.
Corps 2019 Revetment Schedule and Transit Restrictions 12119.pdf
The latest schedule for the Corps’ Mississippi Valley New Orleans (MVN) 2019 Mississippi River Bank Stabilization program schedule (revetment and rock work), with applicable navigation restrictions, is listed below. The list of sites was revised limiting the priority revetment locations between Baton Rouge and New Orleans to two sites and three locations below New Orleans. The three locations below New Orleans have now been completed.
The Corps hosted a meeting, with representatives from the Corps’ Bank Stabilization Division, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), applicable Pilot Associations and the Coalition, to detail the scope of bank stabilization efforts and develop potential transit restrictions. During times of actual revetment work, the Mat Sinking Unit (MSU) extends from approximately 300 to 800 feet channelward from the bank. When the Unit is not folded in, it extends about 600 feet from the bank channelward. When it is folded in, the MSU extends 250 feet from the bank. The normal scheduled working times for the MSU are from 0600 hours to 1900 hours. In different locations the operations may be completed slightly before or after 1900 hours. The Corps agreed to Industry’s request to fold in the Mat Sinking Unit (MSU) at night on revetment locations that warranted concern. The Pilots and Coast Guard’s Lower Mississippi River Vessel Traffic Service will utilize the Contact Pilot on the MSU to coordinate vessel movements in the vicinity of these operations.
2019 Corps’ Revetment Schedule and Restrictions Locations Below New Orleans
Location |
Mile (Right or Left) |
2019 Scheduled Date(s) |
Myrtle Grove |
58.9 RDB |
Point Michel |
43.5 RDB |
Port Sulphur |
36.3 RDB |
The revetment operations at the Myrtle Grove (Mile 58.9 AHP) location were completed earlier today (1056 hours). The MSU began its upriver transit to start work at the Aben/Bringier Point (Mile 172.5 AHP) location at 1315 hours. The mat sinking revetment operations are now expected to start at 0500 hours on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at Aben/Bringier Point. The work at this location will take longer to complete than originally scheduled due to the adjusted working times. Please note the attached Marine Information Safety Information Bulletin for the Aben/Bringier Point location is expected to be revised to show the start on Tuesday, December 3, 2019. The updated MSIB will be distributed upon receipt.
2019 Corps’ Revetment Schedule and Restrictions Locations Above New Orleans
Location |
Mile (Right or Left) |
2019 and 2020 Scheduled Date(s) |
Restriction |
Missouri Bend |
219.3 RDB |
December 19 to December 22 December 26 to December 30 |
One-way transits with slow bell during working hours. MSU to fold in at night. |
*Aben(Bringier Point) |
172.5 RDB |
December 9 to December 18 |
The USCG in coordination with navigation representatives has developed the transit conditions that have been formulated in the attached MSIB declaring the Vessel Traffic Service Measure to accommodate deep-draft vessel movements during revetment operations at Aben/Bringier Point (Mile 172.5 AHP).
“The Captain of the Port New Orleans is issuing a safety advisory for the waters of the Lower Mississippi River from Mile Marker (MM) 171.5 Above Head of Passes (AHP) to MM 173.5 AHP. This advisory is needed to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) revetment operations occurring along the right descending bank (RDB) near MM 172.5 (Bringier Point). The revetment operations will be conducted daily from 5:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. local time from December 2 – 12, 2019, excluding the weekend. During times of actual revetment work, the Mat Sinking Unit (MSU) will extend approximately 300-800’ channel ward from the bank. At the conclusion of daily operations, the platform will be removed, and the channel will have no restrictions at night.
Beginning at 5:00 A.M. on December 2, 2019 this measure is in effect of each working day with the following provisions:
- All vessels (except as described below) are prohibited from entering a zone extending from MM 171.5 to MM 173.5 AHP LMR from 5:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
- Fleet vessels and smaller tows less than 600 ft may be allowed one-way traffic around the MSU after contacting New Orleans Traffic and the ACOE on-scene pilots’ stationed on the M/VHARRISON or M/V WILLIAM JAMES via VHF-FM Channels 67 or 82 to make passing arrangements.
From 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. of each working day.
- All traffic shall contact New Orleans Traffic to coordinate safe passage as required by 33 CFR161.65 (d).
- Down bound deep draft vessels shall contact New Orleans Traffic prior to passing White Castle Anchorage (MM 190 – 191) to verify the MSU has been removed from the channel.”
Please note the dates listed within the MSIB are expected to be revised as requested by the Corps.
The planned 2019 revetment operations include work at several key locations where the banks have been compromised by the extended high river stages. The work dates were established to focus on the priority locations first. However, throughout the bank stabilization efforts changes based upon river stages and experience with vessel transits should be anticipated. The Corps, Coast Guard, Pilots and BRC will work closely with industry to ensure that changes are noted and distributed as warranted and available.
VTS Measure- Bringier Point/Aben Revetment Operations MM 172.5 RDB AHP LMR
The Captain of the Port New Orleans is issuing a safety advisory for the waters of the Lower Mississippi River from Mile Marker (MM) 171.5 Above Head of Passes (AHP) to MM 173.5 AHP. This advisory is needed to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) revetment operations occurring along the right descending bank (RDB) near MM 172.5 (Bringier Point). The revetment operations will be conducted daily from 5:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. local time from December 2 – 12, 2019, excluding the weekend. During times of actual revetment work, the Mat Sinking Unit (MSU) will extend approximately 300-800’ channel ward from the bank. At the conclusion of daily operations, the platform will be removed, and the channel will have no restrictions at night.
Beginning at 5:00 A.M. on December 2, 2019 this measure is in effect of each working day with the following provisions:
- All vessels (except as described below) are prohibited from entering a zone extending from MM 171.5 to MM 173.5 AHP LMR from 5:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
- Fleet vessels and smaller tows less than 600 ft may be allowed one-way traffic around the MSU after contacting New Orleans Traffic and the ACOE on-scene pilots’ stationed on the M/V HARRISON or M/V WILLIAM JAMES via VHF-FM Channels 67 or 82 to make passing arrangements.
From 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. of each working day.
- All traffic shall contact New Orleans Traffic to coordinate safe passage as required by 33 CFR 161.65 (d).
- Down bound deep draft vessels shall contact New Orleans Traffic prior to passing White Castle Anchorage (MM 190 – 191) to verify the MSU has been removed from the channel.
Updates and/or changes will be disseminated via VTS email distribution and/or via Safety Broadcast Notice to Mariners.
For additional information, contact the following:
Coast Guard MSU Baton Rouge: (225) 298-5400 ext. 230
Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Command Center: (504) 365-2542
Vessel Traffic Services Lower Mississippi River (504) 365-2230, VHF FM Ch. 05A, 12, 67