SUBJECT: Port of Gramercy Fax Line Down
Please be advised that the fax line, (225) 869-8909, at the Port of Gramercy is unable to receive or transmit facsimiles. To quickly process any lade orders, diversions, etc. please email the request toGRAMERCY-POE@cbp.dhs.gov. All other phone lines are operational and if you have any questions contact the Port of Gramercy at (225) 869-3765.
The Port Director can be reached at (225) 869-3765×105 should your matter require supervisory attention.
James J Welch
Port Director
Port of Gramercy, Louisiana
New Orleans Field Office
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Office: (225) 869-3765 ext. 105
Cell: (225) 268-9454