From time to time we received requests from ship owners and/or operators to be added to LAMA’s distribution list for the Daily Report and other LAMA reports/notices/emails.
As those requesting individuals are your customers; our standard response is to refer them to you, their local agent for any information they wish.
LAMA’s mission is to provide you, our members the information you need to attract, keep, and support your customers.
As a LAMA member, you are authorized to share with your customers any LAMA correspondence in full, in part, or however you choose.
Please note that sometimes the ship owner will respond ‘they pay all LAMA invoices’ and are entitled to all the information.
In these cases, when we can identify the New Orleans agent company, we will work with the agent to resolve the matter.
We will always consider the circumstances of the request and use the utmost discretion on a case-by-case basis.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Christine Titus