Please accept this Save the Dates notice of an upcoming meeting of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Federal Advisory Committee the Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP).  The daily meetings are open to the public and will be hosted at the Monteleone Hotel at 214 Royal Street (New Orleans) from August 27 to August 29 with an daily start of approximately 0830 hours.  Please see the attached draft agenda for more detailed information.  The meetings are open to the public and members of the navigation community are encourage to participate, especially based on relevant meeting topics.

I was appointed to the HSRP in 2018 and will play a role in shaping the meeting and serve as a moderator on two of the panels, please review the information below.


Additional information is available on the NOAA HSRP’s website by click the following link:

HSRP Announcements


HSRP Background:

In October 2003, Secretary of Commerce Don Evans established the Hydrographic Services Review Panel as directed by the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of 2002, Public Law 107-372. The Panel is composed of a diverse field of experts in hydrographic surveying, vessel pilotage, port administration, tides and currents, coastal zone management, geodesy, recreational boating, marine transportation, and academia. Advice from this panel will assist in addressing NOAA’s strategic plan to improve the nation’s marine transportation system and NOAA’s plans to support commerce with world-class products and services that will help ensure safe, efficient and environmentally sound marine transportation.

The HSRP Federal Advisory Committee public meeting will focus on topics related to navigation services. There will be updates from the three HSRP working groups (WG) including the Planning and Engagement WG, Technology WG, and Arctic Priorities WG, review and discussion of proposed priorities for the HSRP, issue papers and recommendations to NOAA, comments and suggestions regarding regional, state and national priorities. There will be updates from the National Ocean Service program offices related to navigation services – National Geodetic Service, the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, the Office of Coast Survey as well as the University of New Hampshire’s Joint Hydrographic Center and Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping. The agenda times and speakers are subject to change so please reference the most recent draft online.


If I can be of assistance or answer any questions do not hesitate to contact me, thank you.

Best Regards,

Sean M. Duffy, Sr.
Executive Director
Big River Coalition




NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel

August 27-29, 2019, New Orleans, LA

NOAA HSRP public meeting:

Attached please find a link to a recent draft agenda for the NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP) Federal Advisory Committee. You are encouraged to attend in person and there is also a webinar for those not in the area.



The Monteleone Hotel, 214 Royal St, New Orleans, LA 70130



We’ll be happy to put you on the email list for the New Orleans meeting and provide updates.

While the meeting is public and all are welcome, we’d welcome an RSVP so we can save you a seat and for planning purposes. Can you please RSVP as possible to and



*Draft meeting agenda:

(* The times and speakers are subject to change – please pull the most recent agenda from the web.)



The HSRP is a federal advisory committee that provides NOAA with independent advice on improving the quality, efficiency, and usefulness of NOAA’s navigation-related products, data, and services. The HSRP advises the NOAA Administrator about its navigation (i.e. nautical charts and ENCs), physical oceanographic (i.e. tides & water levels), geospatial, positioning, and shoreline programs, products, and services. There are two public meetings each year in different port regions at which we seek public comments from stakeholders and partners.



Public comments on the meeting topics are encouraged in writing in advance, in person at the meeting, or in writing via the chat function during the webinar: and



Please plan to log in at least 15 minutes in advance to allow the updates to be installed and for trouble shooting as necessary. Please register in advance for the HSRP Public Meeting webinar at:




HSRP Recommendations:

HSRP Panel member bios:

Federal Register Notice for the HSRP New Orleans meeting:


CONTACTS for further information: and


Sincerely, Lynne Mersfelder-Lewis

Program Manager, Hydrographic Services Review Panel, Federal Advisory Committee

Office of Coast Survey, National Ocean Service, NOAA, N/CS

1315 East West Hwy., ssmc3 #6413 Silver Spring, MD 20910

NOTE NEW phone: 240-533-0064; cell 240-691-6106; Fax 301-713-4019 – notify first

HSRP public meetings

The Nation’s Chartmaker


UPDATED 20 June 2019

DRAFT – times, dates, topics and speakers are subject to change

NOAA HSRP HSRP Public Meeting Agenda – 3 day meeting cheat sheet

To receive meeting updates, email:,

WEB agenda New Orleans HSRP mtg DRAFT 20June2019 a.docx





*ALL topics, times, speakers are subject to change; all times are Central Standard Time (CST)

Tuesday, Aug 27 Wednesday, Aug 28 Thursday, Aug 29
– 9am Opening

– NOAA and NOS leadership

– USACE, USCG, Port welcome

– 10:45am Special session:

Precision Navigation

– 8:30am Recap on prior day

– Working Group updates

– NOAA Fleet Recap

– Special session:

Unmanned Systems

– Public comment period

– 8:30am Recap on prior day

– 10am Special session:

Addressing Subsidence and SLR Challenges

– Public comment period



– 1:30pm Special session:

Stakeholder session

– Public comment period


– 3:30pm NOS Tri-Office Director & UNH priorities


– HSRP working group discussion and issue papers


– 6:00pm Meeting concludes

– 1pm HSRP working group(s) discussion and issue papers


– 2pm Meeting concludes




– 1-5pm HSRP working group discussions, issue papers, and priorities:

Planning and Engagement, Tech, and Arctic working groups

– Small group discussion on issue papers, recommendation letter

– HSRP recommendations and letter

– Meeting wrap up

– 5pm Meeting concludes


NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel

Public Meeting, New Orleans, LA, August 27-29, 2019


*Topics, times and speakers are subject to change. Times are in Central Standard Time (CST)



Tuesday, August 27 – Day One

MEETING VENUE:       Monteleone Hotel, 214 Royal St, New Orleans, LA 70130

RSVP for meeting:      Virginia.Dentler@noaa.govand  

DRESS:                        Business / business casual     NOAA Uniform:dress blues


Morning                     HSRP FAC meeting, PUBLIC MEETING DAY 1 CONVENES

9:00 – 10:30               

  • Ed Saade, HSRP chair
  • Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith, Director, Office of Coast Survey (OCS), National Ocean Service (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and HSRP designated federal official
  • Nicole LeBoeuf, Acting Assistant Administrator, NOS/NOAA
  • RDML Tim Gallaudet, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Deputy NOAA Administrator
  • Major General Mark R. Toy,Commander, Mississippi Valley Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Rear Admiral John P. Nadeau, Commander, 8thS. Coast Guard District or rep
  • Brandy D. Christian, President and CEO of the Port of New Orleans, CEO of the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Corp.


10:30 – 10:45              Break


10:45 – 12:00             Precision Navigation Overview and Implications for the Mississippi River

Moderators and introduction:  Sean M. Duffy, Sr., HSRP member, and Capt. Liz Kretovic, Deputy Hydrographer, OCS/NOS/NOAA

A look at Precision Navigation requirements, traffic management and the economic impact to Louisiana and the Mississippi river. A discussion among speakers and HSRP members will follow.  

  • Captain Greg Bush,President, Federal Pilots of Louisiana
  • Captain Michael Miller, President, Associated Branch (Bar) Pilots
  • CaptainStephen Hathorn, President, New Orleans / Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots Association (NOBRA)
  • CaptainMichael Bopp, President, Crescent River Pilots Association
  • John G.W. Kelley, Ph.D., Coastal Marine Modeling Branch, Coast Survey Development Laboratory, OCS/NOS NOAA


12:00 – 1:30                Lunch on your own (HSRP members have a working lunch)


1:30 – 3:00                  Partnerships for the future: the mission of the Navigation Services – data, products and services


Moderators and introduction:  Sean M. Duffy Sr., Big River Coalition, HSRP member; Tim Osborn, Navigation Manager, OCS / NOS / NOAA

The use of hydrographic and navigation services data, products, and services and the economic impact to Louisiana, the Mississippi river, and the region. A discussion among speakers and HSRP members will follow.  

  • Ty V.Wamsley, Director, U.S. Army Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Engineer and Research Development Center (ERDC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Chris Collins, Director, Waterways, Office of Multimodal Commerce, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
  • Mark Wingate, P.E., Deputy District Engineer for Programs and Project Management, Executive Office, New Orleans District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Coastal Wetlands, Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA)

  • Mike Steenhoek, Executive Director, Soy Transportation Coalition
  • Paul Aucoin, Executive Director, Port of South Louisiana
  • Matt Lagarde, Assistant Vice President Health, Safety, Security, and Environment, Ingram Barge Company


3:00 – 3:15                  Public comment period – comments in room and via webinar

3:15 – 3:30                  Break


3:30 – 4:30                  Challenges, Concerns and Risks for the navigation services portfolio

National Ocean Service’s office directors will address navigation services topics such as datums, precision navigation, unmanned systems, and their challenges, concerns and risks. This session will touch on datums, precision navigation, unmanned systems, mapping, surveying, charting, remote sensing, photogrammetry, positioning, and water levels in support of “seamless data”. 

  • Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith, director, OCS
  • Juliana Blackwell, director, National Geodetic Survey (NGS)
  • Richard Edwing, director, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)


4:30 – 4:55                              Stephen White, Remote Sensing Division, NGS, NOS / NOAA

V-Datum: Current and Future Directions 

Current activities of the VDatum Program, as well as challenges and future development efforts.


4:55 – 5:45                  HSRP working group discussions – issue papers, priorities, etc.

Planning and Engagement working group (P&E WG)

Julie Thomas and Dave Maune, chairs, P&E WG


5:45 – 6:00                  Recap and day 1 wrap up


HSRP PUBLIC MEETING DAY 1 ADJOURNS                                                              


Wednesday, August 28 – Day Two


Morning                      HSRP PUBLIC MEETING DAY 2 CONVENES,New Orleans, LA


8:30 – 9:00                  PUBLIC MEETING:

  • Ed Saade, HSRP chair and Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith, DFO NOAA

Day 1 recap and discussion


9:00 – 9:30                 Hot Topics – followed by discussion

  • Rear Admiral Nancy Hann, Deputy Director for Operations, NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations, and Deputy Director, NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps

NOAA OMAO Fleet Recap Update

RDML Hann will provide an update to the 2016 NOAA Fleet Plan.


9:30 – 9:45                 Break


9:45 – 11:30                Partnerships and Unmanned Systems for Hydrographic Surveying

A look at how NOAA and industry are moving forward with autonomous systems to serve mapping, charting, and remote sensing for both marine navigation and aerial shoreline surveying.

Moderators and introduction:  Deanne Hargrave, and Ed Saade, HSRP members, HSRP Technology Working Group

  • Rear Admiral Nancy Hann, Deputy Director for Operations, NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations, and Deputy Director, NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps
  • Michael J. Starek, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geospatial Engineering, Texas A & M University Corpus Christi, Director of the Measurement Analytics Lab (MANTIS), Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science

            UAS for Coastal Zone Monitoring of the South Texas Gulf Coast and Beyond

This presentation will showcase current work related to the use of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for surveying and monitoring of the coastal zone within South Texas and other Gulf regions including wetland resiliency, post-storm impact assessment, near-shore processes, and survey-grade UAS LiDAR.

  • Andy Armstrong (ret. NOAA Corps), co-director, University of New Hampshire Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping and NOAA’s Joint Hydrographic Center (CCOM/JHC)

   Autonomous Surface Vessel Research and Development Program at the NOAA/UNH Joint Hydrographic Center / Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping

Asummary of the ongoing ASV research and development at the Center, the relevance to NOAA’s navigation services mission, and examples of the research activities.

  • Brian Connon(U.S. Navy ret.), Director, University of Southern Mississippi’s Hydrographic Science Research Center (HSRC)

   Research Projects in Unmanned Hydrography at the University of Southern Mississippi Hydrographic Science Research Center

This presentation will provide an overview of hydrographic research at USM’s HSRC with a focus on unmanned projects funded by NOAA OCS.

  • Thomas S. Chance, Vice President and General Manager, L3/ASV Global (retired)
  • Rear Admiral Nancy Hann, Deputy Director for Operations, NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations, and Deputy Director, NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps
  • Damian Manda,  Hydrographic Systems and Technology Programs Branch, Coast Survey Development Laboratory, OCS/NOS

Unmanned Systems Activities and Strategy in NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey

A summary of unmanned systems development and operational use to augment NOAA’s hydrographic data collection capabilities, and Coast Survey’s unmanned systems strategy updates.


11:30                           Public comment period


11:45 – 1:00                Lunch on your own (HSRP members have a working lunch)



1:00 – 1:45                  HSRP working group discussions – issue papers, priorities, etc.

Planning and Engagement working group (P&E WG)

Julie Thomas and Dave Maune, chairs

Technology WG, Deanne Hargrave, chairs

Arctic Priorities WG, Capt. Ed Page, chair   


1:45 – 2:00                  HSRP Day 2 wrap up





Thursday, August 29 – Day Three


Morning                      HSRP PUBLIC MEETING DAY 3 CONVENES

8:30 – 9:15                  Public meeting reconvenes and day 2 recap:

  • Ed Saade, HSRP chair and Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith, DFO NOAA


9:15 – 9:45                  Subsidence, Interframe Velocity, and the National Spatial Reference System Modernization (NSRS)


9:45 – 10:00                Break


10:00 – 11:45              Addressing NOAA’s Existing and Potential Subsidence and Sea Level Rise Services for Hydrographic Services

Speakers will discuss subsidence, the challenges and changing risks from sea level rise and the critical observations and data from NOAA and partners needed to understand the impacts on communities, navigation services, and the constraints of the current planning system. Speakers will address gaps and offer suggestions for how NOAA can direct its finite resources to enhance safe, efficient, and environmentally sound maritime operations. A discussion among speakers and HSRP members will follow.  


Moderators:    Julie Thomas, HSRP member, and Audra Luscher, CO-OPS/NOS/NOAA   

  • Rick Luettich,Professor and Director, Center for Natural Hazards Resilience University of North Carolina; Lead Principal Investigator for the Department of Homeland Security’s Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence
  • Cliff Mugnier, C.P., C.M.S, Instructor,Center for Geoinformatics,Louisiana State University
  • Renee Collini, Northern Gulf Of Mexico Sentinel Site Cooperative Coordinator, Mississippi Sea Grant
  • Windell Curole, General Manager, South Lafourche Levee District
  • Guy McInnis, President, St. Bernard Parish (invited)


11:45                           Public comment period



12:00 – 1:00                Lunch on your own (HSRP members have a working lunch)


Afternoon                    HSRP PUBLIC MEETING RECONVENES


1:00 – 2:30                  HSRP working groups follow-up on priorities:

Planning and Engagement, Arctic Priorities, and Technology


2:30 – 2:45                  Break


2:45 – 5:00                  HSRP member discussion, recommendations, and recap


