Update as of 0800 local, January 3, 2019.
LMR is currently Open to navigation as follows (fog closures at Algiers Point MM 94.5):
Closed as of 11:19 pm, Jan 02, 2019.
Reopened as of 2:00 am, today, Jan 03, 2019.
Recent Closures: (All times ‘local’)
Closed 9:15 pm, 29 Dec 2018 – Re-opened 2:37 pm, 30 Dec 2018.
Closed 3:13 pm, 30 Dec 2018 – Re-opened 5:07 am, 31 Dec 2018.
Closed 12:30 am, 01 Jan 2019 – Re-opened 6:36 am, 01 Jan 2019.
Closed 1:30 am, 02 Jan 2019 – Re-opened 8:30 pm, 02 Jan 2019.
USACE Revetment Ops
Will continue daily from 0600-1900 (local) until Friday, Jan 4.
On Friday, the plan is to cease operations at Noon. Operations will commence again at 0600 on Monday, Jan 7.
Flocculation – SWP Entry Restrictions.
Continue as before.
Today’s entry window for vessel’s with a draft of 38’ or more is from 0743 to 2206 hours, local.
Vessel Movements
For yesterday, January 2, 2019
7 vessels crossed in.
3 vessels crossed out.
Anchorage Report
This morning’s 0800 Anchorage Report indicates 53 vessels in SWP anchorage. (See attached)
I’ve attached a snapshot from LAMA C-View of SWP Anchorage. (See attached)
From Captain Greg Bush; President of the Federal Pilots:
From Captain Greg Bush; President of the Federal Pilots:
(Sent 1943 hours, local, Jan 2, 2019)
The following is our latest list of outbounds that are ready to go as we speak. The list will be as follows:
- Vessel Name – deep draft – location – transit time
- Tina Pyne-27’-Pt. Celeste-4.5 hours
- Alice Moran-22’-9 mile-8.5 hours
- Christiana-22’-Valero S/C-10.5 hours
- Independence-37’-Valero S/C-9.5 hours
- West Virginia-37’ M/G-10.5 hours
- Tampa-29’-Nustar St. James-11.5 hours
- Barbara Carol Ann Moran-27’-CFI-13 hours
Two of our vessels were able to depart Boothville today during the short window we had around 1400-1500.
The Liberty was also able to cross in during this same time frame in order to get that VGO up to M/G.
Inbounds for tomorrow look very slim as all we have are the:
- TERESA bound for Buck Kreihs,
- LOUISIANA bound for M/G, and the
- HEIDI MORAN bound for the 158 buoys; all have less than 30’ of draft.
I will update you both in the morning and a good evening to all…
Greg Bush
Greg Bush
From Captain Michael Miller, President of the BAR Pilots:
(Sent 0659 this morning, 03 January)
As you are aware, the pilots (all 4 groups) yesterday afternoon to come up with a plan to hopefully get things up and running smoothly once the fog clears.
For our part (Bar Pilots), the station captain huddled up with the pilots on station prior to the conference call as well for their input and coordination.
So, we think we have a good plan in place, move a few of the inbounds with berths available before the convoy of twenty outbounds, then convoy twenty inbounds…
Once we get the majority of the backlog cleared up we can address the NiREAS and resume normal operations.
Please keep in mind, that if some reason there is a fly in the ointment, which is the usually the case, we will shift gears to keep things running efficiently.
(Sent 0836 this morning, 03 January)
Still thick fog in SWP, pilots standing by at SWP station to bring in 3 container ships as per plan!
Michael Miller
Agents are requested to continue to provide vessel information as per below in the format stipulated.
End of Report – Updates to be sent upon receipt.