The Corps’ Mississippi Valley New Orleans (MVN) District’s Lock and Waterway Status 60-Day Forecast as issued today (August 20, 2018) is attached.
The status report updates conditions on the on the Bayou Boeuf, Calcasieu and Bayou Sorrel Locks.
The information on the Dewatering for Gate Replacement at the Bayou Boeuf Lock is reproduced below:
“ Beginning at sunrise on 04 September 2018, Bayou Boeuf Lock will close to navigation 24hrs per day until approximately 15 October 2018 in order to install gates and make necessary repairs and adjustments.”
The update on the continuing intermittent scheduled closures at the Calcasieu Lock due to ongoing Chamber Guide Wall Work is reproduced below:
“Calcasieu Lock will be closed to navigation intermittently Monday through Thursday from 6:30 am until 6:30 pm each day or as indicated by the Corps. This schedule will continue until approximately 1 December 2019.”
The information on the upcoming Dewatering for Gate Repairs at the Bayou Sorrel Lock is reproduced below:
“ Commencing on approximately 31 August 2018 and continuing until approximately 30 November 2018, Bayou Sorrel Lock will be closed to navigation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, due to dewatering operations at the south end gates.”