The Crescent River Port Pilots have announced a decrease in their tariff.
Please find enclosed a schedule of new tariff rates for the Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association (“CRPPA”) to be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Pilotage Fee Commission (the “Commission”) Order No. P15-002/P15-003, consolidated, effective August 1, 2015 {the “Order”). The tariff was previously increased by .46% effective May 1 to account for six (6) new pilots that were commissioned as of that date. However, due to a mid-year retirement, general rates and fees will be adjusted downward to the pre-May 1 levels to reflect the return to a pilot complement of 114. This adjustment will be effective August 1, 2018. These rates and fees are the same as those originally effective January 1, 2018
Please take the time to review the new tariff and direct any questions that you may have to our Chief Financial Officer, Mark Nelson, at 504-392-5016, extension 314, or by email