SUBJECT: Reassignment of Certain Trade Staff Members to Centers of Excellence andExpertise
As U.S. Customs and Border Protection continues its business transformation of trade activities, reassignments of personnel from the Port of New Orleans will be necessary. Those changes are as follows:
Merlin Hymel, Assistant Port Director, Trade, will become the Assistant Center Director for the Base Metals Center of Excellence and Expertise located in Chicago, Illinois. This reassignment will be effective on March 20, 2016.
All Import Specialists already have been or will be reassigned to various Centers of Excellence and Expertise effective April 3, 2016.
All personnel working for a Center will remain physically located in New Orleans and will be available to support trade functions that occur at the Port of New Orleans. Questions related to release of cargo, bonded warehouses, foreign trade zones, inbond cargo and other agency requirements should be directed to Chief CBP Officer Denise Emmer at 504-670-2052.
We thank all of these staff members for their service to the Port of New Orleans and wish them well in their new assignments.