Subject: Extension to deadline regarding change in notification procedures of CBP seal changes to terminal operators, shippers and those entities designatedas3rd partynotifyfromanemailnotificationtoanelectronic notification via ACE.
This notice is to advise terminal operators, shippers and those entities designated as 31-ti party notify that on May 5, 2014 Customs and Border Protection will cease sending email notifications of seal changes made by CBP and will switch to an electronic notification utilizing ACE. CBP is working with our local terminals, the terminals’ I.T. representatives, CBP’s local I.T. representatives, CBP’s local New Orleans Trade Support Team Client Representatives and CBP’s ACE ambassadors to make the transition as seamless as possible. This is a two (2) month extension to the original date proposed for March 1, 2014.
The primary point of contact is Chief CBP Officer Michael Carmouche.
- Address: U.S. CBP, 701 Loyola Avenue, 13th Floor. New Orleans, LA 70113
- Office Number is: (504) 623-6650
- Fax Number: (504) 623-6664
- E-Mail Address is:
The secondary point of contact will be CBP Supervisor George Rizk
- Address: U.S. CBP, 701 Loyola Avenue, 13th Floor. New Orleans, LA 70113
- Office Number: (504) 623-6684
- Fax Number: (504) 623-6679
- E-Mail Address:
The tertiary point of contact will be A-TCET CBP Officer David Smith
- Address: U.S. CBP, 701 Loyola Avenue, 13th Floor. New Orleans, LA 70113
- Office Number: (504) 623-6686
- Fax Number: (504) 623-6679
- E-Mail Address:
Any questions regarding this information should be directed to Chief CBP Officer Michael
Carmouche at (504) 623-6650 or