
As a result of the Bayou Sorrel river gauge reading 6.9 feet and rising, all mariners are advised not to enter the system from MM 37.6 to MM 45 of the Bayou Sorrel Waterway.  The current vessels in the queue will be allowed to exit until the waterway is cleared of traffic.

US Army Corp of Engineers has temporarily closed the Bayou Sorrel Lock to all navigation. The Bayou Sorrel Lock will reopen once the Bayou Sorrel river gauge returns to 6.9 feet and falling. The Lower Grand River (“landside route”) remains closed to navigation. The Port Allen Lock will operate for local facility traffic from MM 60 to MM 65, including the Sun Plus Canal, on a limited basis.

For further information, contact:
Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Baton Rouge: (225) 298-5400
Coast Guard Sector Command Center New Orleans (24 hours):  (504) 365-2543