Southern Currents 18-016.pdf

SUBJECT: Electronic Submission of the Export Manifest via the Document Imaging System (DIS) for Interested Carriers

Beginning March 1, 2018, the Port of New Orleans will allow the electronic submission of the export ocean manifest (CBP Form 1302-A and the bills of lading portion of the export manifest) via the Document Imaging System (DIS) for interested carriers.

Previously, the electronic submission of the export manifest via the document imaging system was only for certain container carriers. Reference Southern Currents 12-019.

While the CBP Form 1302-A and the associated bills of lading will be submitted to CBP by participating carriers electronically, all other filing requirements will not change. Specifically, carriers will have four (4) business days to submit the 1302-A via the DIS system unless the vessel is clearing directly for a country listed in 19 CFR 4.75(c). Participating carriers are required to provide the paper versions of the CBP forms 1300 and 1301 for the incomplete and complete clearance process, and any other required documentation, such as the Drug Enforcement Agency (Form 486). However, the carriers are not required to submit a paper version of the 1302-A and associated bills of lading. A list of empty containers will be submitted via DIS for each vessel, or indicate that no cargo was loaded on the vessel via the DIS.

There are no regulatory changes that will impact the information to be submitted, or the timeframe in which it is required. Penalties will only be issued when a carrier fails to file the manifest, is late filing the manifest, or if the manifest is incomplete or false.

The Port of New Orleans requests that the CBP form 1300 [clearance] is transmitted via the DIS because much of the information contained within the Form 1300 is required as part of the review process.

Please note that there has been no change in any of the export manifest regulations.

In order to participate in this electronic program interested carriers should contact Mr. Robert Rawls, Branch Chief, CBP Outbound Enforcement and Policy, Cargo and Conveyance Security, via e-mail at: or via telephone at: (202) 344-2847 to become certified to use the DIS.

Certification Process: There is a certification process to ensure that the carrier knows how to file the manifest. Carriers cannot use the document imaging system [DIS] until CBP HQ has certified them. The certification process can be as short as one day, or as long as the carrier needs to file a correct export manifest.

Please be reminded that once an export manifest is filed, the carrier will get a response message indicating if the manifest was submitted successfully or not. If not submitted successfully, the carrier will have to re-submit the manifest correctly or submit paper documents.

Non-participating carriers, including non-vessel operating common carriers (NVOCCs) will continue to file their portions of the complete paper manifest (CBP forms 1300, 1301, 1302-A, individual bills of lading, and all other required documents).

If you have additional questions, please contact Assistant Port Director Mark S. Choina via email at at (504) 670-2287.